MDS Staff posted on May 26, 2013 15:00

Father, the silver and the gold is Yours. The cattle on a thousand hills is Yours. And the earth and all that is in it belongs to You. And it is Your will to give the earth to the humble. So I have learned to not worry about what I am to eat or what to wear or where to live for all my need is met in Christ Jesus. I am content in much and content in little. I am content with food and clothing because the kingdom of God is not meat and drink but righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. When I have two jackets and my brother has none I give him one of mine. I am an ambassador of Jesus Christ to the nations so I bring the tithe and offerings to the storehouse which is Jesus to build Your kingdom. Because of this You rebuke the devour for my sake and do open the windows of Heaven so that I may receive a blessing so large that my cup runs over. You cause my fruit to come in its season. You teach me how to prosper and take great pleasure in seeing me prosper. You show me the hidden treasures of the earth. You give me streams of living water in the desserts. You give me courage and wisdom to multiply my talents. And a cheerful heart and self-controlled mind to give so I may reap a good measure, pressed down and running over people give into my life. I do not beg, borrow or steal, sacrifice, gamble or pay my dues as the world does. I will be faithful with the little I do have and more will be given. I owe no one anything but love. Because I do not covet the world’s passions You give me all things to enjoy. Because I do not lay up treasures for myself on earth but in heaven, I prosper. Because I do not hide sin, You prosper me. Because I do not neglect the poor, You prosper me. Because I do not live for myself, You prosper me. Because I continually abide in You, Your covenant in Jesus is established in me, and I prosper.
Reference: Haggai 2:8, Psalms 50:10, Matthew 5:5, Matthew 6:25, Philippians 4:19, Philippians 4:12, Romans 4:17, Ephesians 6:20, Malachi 3:10, Psalms 23:5, Deuteronomy 28:12, Isaiah 45:3, Deuteronomy 8:17-18, Isaiah 35:6, Psalms 35:27, Matthew 25:20, Luke 6:38, Luke 19:17, Romans 13:8, Exodus 20:17, Matthew 6:19-20, Proverbs 28:13, 1 Timothy 6:17, Proverbs 28:7, John 15:4
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